Big shops, big talk, and big invoices don’t correlate to results.  We believe in experience and expertise…not magic tricks.

In this market, understanding data is expected.  But understanding the client is essential, and our senior strategists deliver on both.  You need a team that knows how to transform data into actionable insights that drive strategy and change outcomes.  We bring decades of real-world experience to every client engagement.

Our senior strategists are YOUR senior strategists—dedicated to achieving your goals.

Blaise Hazelwood

Founder & CEO

Blaise Hazelwood founded Grassroots Targeting in 2005, providing strategic advice to presidential candidates, Governors, Senators, members of Congress, party chairmen, independent expenditure groups, and major corporations. She spearheaded the construction of Voter Vault, the first online national voter database.


Tim Saler

Managing Partner

Tim Saler uses data and expertise to persuade, mobilize, and protect the vote. Saler’s voter analytics have assisted campaigns, party committees, and independent expenditure groups in seventeen winning U.S. Senate races – including the defeat of three Democrat incumbents – and eleven Governor races since 2018.


Juston Johnson


Juston served as Political Director of the Republican National Committee during the 2017-2018 election cycle, in which Republicans expanded their majority in the United States Senate and defeated four incumbent Democrats.


Ellen Underwood

Director of Polling and Research

Ellen Underwood oversees the firm’s survey instruments, data visualizations, and test analysis for best practice. Her experience includes leading over 200 quantitative research projects as well as being a RIVA-trained focus group moderator.


Nick Lauritsen

Vice President

Nick Lauritsen joined Grassroots Targeting in 2019 and has a unique background managing political campaigns as well as working in analytical modeling and microtargeting.


Kristian Hemphill

Vice President

Kristian Hemphill has worked at the intersection of data and politics for over a decade, joining Grassroots Targeting in 2023 after stints with the RNC and a campaign for Senate.


Rebecca Cutsinger

Research Analyst

Rebecca is a research analyst with a decade of grassroots campaign experience in Congressional races and issue advocacy.


Our track record of success is not based on luck.
It’s based on data.

We are true partners in helping clients dive deep into the data when necessary, and always provide clear and concise insights into what the data is telling us.