Experience. With data as the compass, our expertise draws the map to victory. 

As strategic advisors specializing in prescriptive data and research, both qualitative and quantitative, Grassroots Targeting provides trusted insight for clients facing challenges both common and unique. And with real-world political and campaign experience spanning industry sectors, we have the expertise to know the difference.

In the end, the data’s in the details.


Governor Rick Scott (FL)
Governor Jeff Colyer (KS)
Governor Bobby Jindal (LA)
Governor Paul LePage (ME)
Governor Haley Barbour (MS)
Governor Pat McCrory (NC)
Governor Kristi Noem (SD)
Governor Chris Sununu (NH)
Governor Susana Martinez (NM)
Governor Tom Corbett (PA)
Governor Eric Greitins (MO)
Governor Bob McDonnell (VA)
Governor Scott Walker (WI)

Arizona Republican Party
Connecticut Republican Party
Republican Party of Florida
Republican Party of Louisiana
Maine Republican Party
Mississippi Republican Party
Mississippi House Republican Caucus
Missouri Republican Party
New York Republican Party
North Carolina Republican Party
Pennsylvania House Republican Caucus
Rhode Island Republican Party
Republican Party of Virginia
Republican Party of Wisconsin

Colorado Good Government Initiative
Stop I-186 To Protect Miners and Jobs
Tennesseans for Yes on 1
Florida No On Amendment 3
Montana Stop I-186

Senator Jon Kyl (AZ)
Senator Cory Gardner (CO)
Senator Rick Scott (FL)
Senator Norm Coleman (MN)
Senator Josh Hawley (MO)
Senator Thad Cochran (MS)
Senator Elizabeth Dole (NC)
Senator Kelly Ayotte (NH)
Senator Deb Fischer (NE)
Senator Lindsey Graham (SC)
Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX)
Senator Ron Johnson (WI)

Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle (GA)

Attorney General Josh Hawley (MO)
Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli (VA)

Republican National Committee
Republican Governors Association
National Republican Senatorial Committee
National Republican Congressional Committee
Republican Attorneys General Association
Republican State Leadership Committee
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
National Rifle Association
Congressional Leadership Fund

Congressman Mike Rogers (AL)
Congressman Tom Cotton (AR)
Congressman Brian Bilbray (CA)
Congressman Buck McKeon (CA)
Congressman Mike Coffman (CO)
Congressman Vern Buchanan (FL)
Congressman Carlos Curbelo (FL)
Congressman Clay Shaw (FL)
Congressman Daniel Webster (FL)
Congressman Jack Kingston (GA)
Congressman Rob Woodall (GA)
Congresswoman Judy Biggert (IL)
Congressman Rodney Davis (IL)
Congressman Bob Dold (IL)
Congressman Don Manzullo (IL)
Congressman Peter Roskam (IL)
Congressman Bobby Schilling (IL)
Congressman Larry Bucshon (IN)
Congressman Luke Messer (IN)
Congressman Charles Boustany (LA)
Congressman Fred Upton (MI)
Congressman Tim Walberg (MI)
Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann (MN)
Congressman John Kline (MN)
Congressman Alan Nunnelee (MS)
Congressman Steven Palazzo (MS)
Congressman Steve Daines (MT)
Congresswoman Virginia Foxx (NC)
Congressman Richard Hudson (NC)
Congressman David Rouzer (NC)
Congressman Lee Terry (NE)
Congressman Frank Guinta (NH)
Congressman Frank LoBiondo (NJ)
Congressman Jon Runyan (NJ)
Congressman Steve Pearce (NM)
Congresswoman Nan Hayworth (NY)
Congresswoman Sue Kelly (NY)
Congressman Tom Reynolds (NY)
Congresswoman Claudia Tenney (NY)
Congressman Jim Renacci (OH)
Congressman Mike Turner (OH)
Congressman Joe Wilson (SC)
Congresswoman Diane Black (TN)
Congressman Van Taylor (TX)
Congressman Chris Stewart (UT)
Congressman Eric Cantor (VA)
Congresswoman Barbara Comstock (VA)
Congressman Bob Goodlatte (VA)
Congressman Robert Hurt (VA)
Congressman Scott Rigell (VA)
Congressman Alex Mooney (WV)

After the 2012 cycle, Blaise and a group of conservative practitioners and academics came together to form Center for Strategic Initiatives (CSI) to learn and use data to discover what works best and where the GOP can make measurable progress. In 2001, Blaise was part of the 72 Hour Task Force. She helped move the GOP from thinking of GOTV as “Getting on TV” to getting volunteers back knocking on doors and making phone calls. The 72 Hour Task Force conducted field tests to measure what tactics and persuasion methods produced the most lift. CSI provides a forum for conservatives to gather and learn from each other best campaign practices based on data, testing and science.

Our track record of success is not based on luck.
It’s based on data.

We are true partners in helping clients dive deep into the data when necessary and always providing clear and concise insights into what the data is telling us.